Saturday, March 4th, Fellowship Hall was filled with glamorous expectations and the room was strategically arranged for optimal viewing of the Thrift House Fashion Show.
The fashion show consisted of models, showcasing garments in wonderful colors and fabrics gracing the runway. All the outfits and accessories being modeled are from the Thrift House and show how far-ranging their collection is.
As the Thrift House modeled the outfits, people clamored to immediately buy them. Jewelry and accessories worn and displayed were also quickly snatched up.

Promoting the different items donated to the Thrift House was only one goal of this trendy production. All proceeds from the fashion show ticket sales and items purchased the day of the show were donated to the Beymer Food Pantry. The total raised was $414.

Alas, men’s and women‘s clothing and accessories are not the only things the Thrift House features. Children’s clothes, toys, household items, seasonal decorations, handbags and so much more are available at great prices. Stop in any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 10am – 2pm or the 2nd Saturday of the month 10am – 2pm and see all the various items available to purchase and keep an eye out for their specials.