“Persistent Faith”
Mark 10:46-52
Pastor Rob Harding
“The blind man said, ‘Rabbi, I want to see.’ ‘Go,’ said Jesus, ‘your faith has healed you.’”
Mark 10:51-52
Persistent. That’s certainly made visible in Mark 10 as we witness Bartimaeus desperately making his voice heard even as others attempt to thwart his efforts. Taking note of that, one can only assume this is not the first time he has exhibited such faith.
Imagine the many times prior to this when he longed for healing but almost gave up believing it possible. Or the many times prior to this when a crowd or individual shouted him down and he considered not trying to make his voice heard again. Surely this was not the first time he pushed with a faith that, as Jesus put it, healed him, or made him well.
Taking in what we read here, I invite you to ponder how your faith is like Bartimaeus’, because in some ways it is. You too have exhibited a persistent faith in your life at times, and I challenge you to get in touch with that today. What drove you at that time in your life to embrace a faith that brought healing, a faith that refused to wilt at any sign of opposition?
Today as you read this, your faith might be wavering in the face of a challenge. Tap into what you can learn from those times when you stood strong so that even now your faith might parallel Bartimaeus’ and bring you the results you long for.
Prayer: Lord, instill in us a faith that persists in the midst of opposition, doubt, or challenge. As we believe all is possible in Christ, may that show through in the kind of faith we embrace. Amen.